Ippei Nishihara

A Taste of Kiss (Teisuto obu kisu), 113 min, Japan,  Japanese , English subs, dir Ippei Nishihara

Sun 08 Sep '13 - 12:00 to 13:45

Vertoning The Caretaker HERHALING   
96 min, Australië, Engels gesproken, geen subs, dir Tom Conyers   

Vampires seems to be a frequent occurrence in the streets of Victoria, Australia. A group of survivors find a house in which a vampire has also taken shelter. He offers them a deal; protection  against vampires during the night if they protect him against humans during the day.

When we showcase so many zombies during BUTFF we can't but also let the vampires out of their coffins.   Don't worry at the BUTFF you wont see the 'sparkling twilight' vampires. All the vampires on screen are thoroughly BUT proof.  What we see in The Caretaker is a species variation only seen in underground films. If we're lucky these are the kind of vampires dominating the screens...

The Caretaker, 96 min, Australië, English spoken, no subs, dir Tom Conyers   

Jaar: 2012


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