In the blokschedule you can check-out al movie-viewings and not to forget the concerts.
You can order tickets for a single show, a day-pass or the full festival passe-partouts ticket schould otherwise no number of movies be able clench your BUT hunger.
For the movies there is a Dutch description available, English translations are added a.s.a.p.
For the music program all English text info is available.
Keep an eye on the Facebook page for additional information on anything and everything.
Become a Friend of BUTFF
If you'd like to support us, you could consider donating a small amount, it would be most welcome.
You would get some unique BUTFF gadgets in return.
Become a BUTFF volunteer
Sign up for the BUT-team?
Do you feel like the BUT Film Festival is calling out to you? We are looking for volunteers like you!
Click for more information on how to become a volunteer for BUTFF