Has a time machine retrieved them from the dark eighties?, This might no be the case, but these youngster skate post punks have most of their musical inspiration from the past, and indeed present has enough of it's own 'doom and gloom' ' for a justfull comback of this Cold wave 80ties music'
Is their drummer called Echo (?) and in a relationship with a laptop!?, Does he drinks the love from the outlet in the wall and used to work for the Bunnymen. We can take it, we want it, 'all hail the new flesh'.
The heritage of The Sisters of Mercy, the Cure, Killing Joke & Echo & the Bunnymen is secured, at BUTFF the apocalypse crawls from all corners and crevices.
Eline Korff de Gidts - Bass gitaar
Never talk ToStrangers - Gitaar
Lifeless Past on the same stage as Pattern Cutoff and Joost Danst
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