Club 70's: Blacula

Club 70's: Blacula, 93 min, USA, Engels gesproken, geen subs, dir William Crain
Club 70's: Dynamite Brothers

Club 70's has been an item at The BUT Film Festival since 2008.
Club 70's has been an item at The BUT Film Festival since 2008. Drive-in - grindhouse - blaxploitations - horror - kung fu - giallo - and other cult-films from the late 60's, the golden 70's and early 80's are screened the way they are meant to be screened: Meaning celluloid prints in various states of decay: Sometimes scratched, sometimes dirty and with lot's of splices, sometimes the colour has turned red. A film-print released at the west coast of the US would often be altered on it's way across the continent due to the treatment they received in small dirty projection-boots of film-clubs and drive-in Cinemas back in the day. That is all part of the charm, and a treat too.
Like in the earlier editions of our festival we have again selected 2 titles of which we are proud to present.
This year the emphasis is on the experiments that were made is the US during the 70's where directors and producers tried to force different genres of film together.
In William Crane's "Blacula" (1972) we get a mix of blaxploitation and horror - which actually works quite well. It is a campy, groovy and enjoyable horror flick with decent acting. It's one of the better blaxploitation films of the 70s.
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