Rosa von Praunheim's documentary King of Comics ( König des Comics, 2012) is the story about Ralf
Inside the Whore

In 2009, Reinert Kiil recieved BUT the award for the feature length with his movie Hora. This film was the first of a trilogy in which different genres mingle and tell the story.
With Inside the Whore he takes on the mockumantaire genre. We get to see the process of filmmaking as Reinert intends us to see. What the cast and crew do not know is that they are not only doing a movie, but that Reinert has other plans.
Inside the Whore is quite a personal film. Hora had quite a difficult time in Norway. You could say that Inside the Whore has autobiographical pieces in it. Fortunately, we know that it is all fiction what we see, or is it..
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