Preparations were made and the coffins were ready. We made one last toast and Jim Morrison sang The End. But the apocalypse never came that 21st of december.
Now what?
Well then we'll just organize another BUT Film Festival! From 4th till 8th of september BUT will once again claim the city of Breda.
This year's theme: Evilution!
Monkeys became humans, mammoths became elephants; Evolution is what helps us survive. But beware! Crazy doctors, poisonous garbage dumps en radioactive radiation can produce the most gruesome creatures. Zombielike creatures are roaming the countryside, green poisonous goo is trying to come ashore en takes on the most unbelievable shapes and sizes. It's almost too frightening to behold.....
At the BUT Film Festival we will show you movies in which filmmakers will show you their wildest ideas. We will also venture into the wonderful world of the smaller creatures on earth with a lecture and film about insects.
Brrr...luckily the evolution is working still. Right? Maybe, but something's lurking in the canals of Breda....
More info coming soon!
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