Saturday 7th of September writer and movielover John Heijnk will make a special appearance at the BUT Film Festival. He will be signing a very special BUT-edition of his comic Kapitein Kreiss. The comic will have a special BUT-cover and bookplate. Of this special edition only 50 copies will be available. So a very exclusive opportunity!

Kapitein Kreiss 1:

February 6th, 2242. Captain Higgman has been the commander of state company Nothung Transport for 19 years. His day has had a bad start, because he was assigned a new co-pilot. And worst of all, she is a woman!  But what he doesn't know yet is that more trouble is on the way. By the end of day he will have a new job, a new life and and a new name!

About John Heijink:

De series Kapitein Kreiss are written and drawn by John Heijink from Eindhoven. He get's his inspiration from moviels like Blade Runner, Alien, Star Wars, Dune, Clockwork orange, Bronson and Pulp Fiction. His favourite authors are Ridley Scott, David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick and Quentin Tarantino. According to Heijink, a good movie has to have the same criteria as a good comic: A good story, lighting, good storytelling and a beautiful combination of picture/sound/music and everything has to be exaggerated. It's all about drama, timing, sound, music and good photography. 


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